Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Proverbs 22: Don't make a check your tush can't cash!

v. 26-27 "Don't agree to guarantee another person's debt or put up security for someone else. If you can't pay it, even your bed will be snatched from under you"

"Don't make a check your tush can't cash Short Man!" The first time i heard this saying was in my all-time favorite cartoon series Hey Arnold (one day i WILL own the entire series on DVD...). His Grandpa, who i would say had loads and loads of wisdom, was advising him to not make promises or agreements that he couldn't fulfill. And reading this chapter it finally hit me that this idea is a re-curring sentiment in the Proverbs. Every couple of chapters Solomon throws in a quick word about keeping your vows, if you're paying off a friends debt to make sure you do it or there will be consequences. Keeping promises is a huge character trait that i'm sure many of us strive for, but the less strived for virtue in my life is only committing to what i can.

A lot of times i make grand promises, or plan to meet with somebody, knowing i honestly don't have the time or even the ability. That results in let down youth or me running late to a group project meeting. Honestly, that looks bad on us, but it also looks on God. We're always, ALWAYS representing God, in EH-VE-RYthing we do. So if we're late, or don't come through when we say we will, than that makes God look bad, doesn't it?

So in solution, before i ever make a promise or agreement, i will realistically ponder if i really can carry it all the way through. If i decided that i can't, then i straight up won't let the words come out of my mouth. But if i decide that i can and do say i will. imma do everything in my power to carry it out. That's gonna take some prayer and discipline, but i hope the Lord will help me. And if i fail (which i probably will every now and again no matter how hard i try), i'll beg for forgiveness like i should, haha. Amen? Amen.

I like Heather's prayer request idea, here are mine:
-my Psych 317 research paper (the hardest assignment of my college career)
-more of the Holy Spirit in my life

1 comment:

  1. Amen! That was so good and convicting. I commit myself to a hundred things I really shouldn't and then I can only give a fraction of myself to those things because my life is absolutely crazy. I have never really thought about the fact that we truly represent God in EVERYTHING we do! That puts a totally new perspective on every area of my life. Thanks for that. I really needed it! And I am praying for you!
